Living Well with Dementia
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Brain Health & Dementia Webinar Series

Starting November 15th at 11 am, this webinar series will look at brain health and dementia in relation to a number of factors:

Dementia and the brain - professor Sean Kennelly, TUH - Wednesday 15 November 11 am

Diet and brain health in dementia - Dr Claire McEvoy, QUB - Wednesday 22 November 11 am

Brain stimulation in dementia - Dr Michelle Kelly, NCI - Wednesday 29 November 11 am

Brain-specific post-diagnostic support - Cathy McHale, TUH/TCD - Wednesday 06 December 11 am

Brain health in dementia and physical activity - professor Catherine Blake, UCD - Wednesday13 December 11 am

Each webinar will have additional input from an Early Career Researcher in the area, plus time for Q&A at the end.

Find out more and links to the webinars at Dementia Research Network Ireland