Living Well with Dementia - We're here to help.

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Publications and Guidance for Healthcare Workers

Non-Cognitive Symptoms of Dementia (NCSD)

This is a guidance document on non-pharmacological interventions for healthcare and social care practitioners. You can download this [here](

Nutrition and Dementia

This guide was developed by the Dietitians with the HSE and provides practical information and tips for anyone who is caring for a person with dementia. You can download this [here](

The Next Steps Dementia Post Diagnostic Support Guidance

The guidance document outlines the available evidence and good practice in relation to dementia psychoeducational programmes for early intervention. You can download this [here](

Supporting the Person with Dementia in Hospital

This booklet provides practical information and advice to care staff working in clinical settings caring for people who have cognitive impairment, dementia or delirium. You can download this [here](

A Guide to Creating a Dementia Friendly Ward in the Acute Setting

This booklet was completed by OT Anne O' Hea at the Mercy Hospital Cork and aims to give valuable information when considering environmental change for dementia. You can download this [here](

Dementia Friendly Hospitals from a Universal Design Approach

These guidelines provide detailed guidance in relation to dementia related design issues and the Universal Design of acute hospitals in Ireland. You can download this [here](

Future and End of Life Care

This guide is part of a suite of documents from the Irish Hospice Foundation developed for healthcare staff working in dementia care You can download this [here](

Advanced Care Planning & Healthcare Directives

This guide is part of a suite of documents from the Irish Hospice Foundation developed for healthcare staff working in dementia care You can download this [here](

Lose and Grief in Dementia

This guide is part of a suite of documents from the Irish Hospice Foundation developed for healthcare staff working in dementia care You can download this [here](

Management of Hydration and Nutrition

This guide is part of a suite of documents from the Irish Hospice Foundation developed for healthcare staff working in dementia care You can download this [here](

Pain Assessment and Management

This guide is part of a suite of documents from the Irish Hospice Foundation developed for healthcare staff working in dementia care You can download this [here](

Ethical Decision Making

This guide is part of a suite of documents from the Irish Hospice Foundation developed for healthcare staff working in dementia care. You can download this [here](

Medication and Dementia

This guide is part of a suite of documents from the Irish Hospice Foundation developed for healthcare staff working in dementia care. You can download this [here](

Think Ahead Planning Pack

This is the full Think Ahead Planning Pack that focuses on the wishes of the person. It includes the Advanced Healthcare Directive You can download this here[](

Links to More Publications